It seems frivolous to write about me, but since it is my blog, I guess that is okay. What a concept.
The loss is still a keen pain in my heart and mind; the loss of our home. Some days are so busy, though, I don't feel the losses of the past year, and that is a good thing.
Having said that, I have a confession to make. I am finding that "living small" is becoming more and more appealing to me. I can't speak for my husband. He doesn't say much and I know he has a sense of loss also, but he wasn't as attached to 'our real house' as I was...even though he built it.
I am finding our "new space" very cozy and fixing it up and moving things around is sort of like 'playing house.' The small area is underwhelming. It takes less than an hour to do a thorough cleaning. We have no clutter because there is no room for it. Important receipts or papers have to be filed right away into the 12 x 12 box that is our new entire 'business' and home filing system. We don't feel we can afford a newspaper, so those aren't cluttering up the place. All the news and comics we ever want are on the computer anyway. (A good friend just told me this week that they quit the paper because of cost, too.)
Our phone system is our cell phones plus a jack that plugs into the computer and phone and it uses our standard phones. $20 a year. Reception is very good.
We entertain quite often. Just not huge groups at a time.
It is a nice feeling to go to a store and realize I can't have just whatever appeals to the eye. I don't need it. Can't afford it and have no room for it. What a freedom.
I have a minimum amount of shoes. While packing to move, I pared down our closet to just what we wear on a weekly basis. No excess. My purses fit in a plastic rectangle box.
Our kitchen holds what is needed daily. A few necessary, but not daily-used, items are in a hall closet. Our refrigerator is not old, but it has no ice maker. We use the old-fashioned ice cube trays.
Most days I feel such a contentment with this scaled-down living. I don't know how long we'll be here or where the next 'adventure' will take us, but for now, we have what we need. And that is enough. I hope this lasts a long, long time......
I think living small, as it were, can last as long as you ever want it. I can imagine there must be many wonderful freedoms to it. We accumulate so much that doesn't really add anything of value to our lives. So glad that there's positive in the midst of the negative.